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Imaging Services at Missouri Baptist Medical Center offers the most advanced technology available. Our Interventional Radiologists are board-certified and highly specialized to perform even the most difficult cases.

Arthrogram is an X-ray exam that examines a specific joint, such as the shoulder, knee, wrist or hip. Arthrograms are performed to diagnose acute or chronic tears or other abnormalities of the joint capsule or supporting ligaments.

Bone Density Testing or DEXA, scans detect bone loss (osteoporosis) in its earliest stages. Osteoporosis involves a gradual loss of calcium, causing the bones to lose their density. When this happens, breaks can occur from a fall or even from something as simple as a cough or sneeze. However, osteoporosis is preventable, treatable and reversible.

Diagnostic Imaging (X-ray). An X-ray is a picture, taken by a machine that uses radiation to produce pictures of the inside of the body. X-rays are used to diagnose many disease processes, as well as fractures of bones and dislocations of joints. X-rays are painless, fast and convenient. Missouri Baptist Medical Center provides a full spectrum of X-ray services.

Image Guided Biopsy is a test that takes a small sample of tissue from a certain area of your body, using a very small needle. The tissue sample is then sent to the lab to be processed. Biopsies are commonly done with the assistance of ultrasound imaging or CT imaging to better locate the area of concern. Using image guidance is the safest and most accurate way to get the best possible result for your biopsy.

Interventional Radiology is an area that performs highly specialized procedures. The procedure room looks much like an operating room. Patients are prepared and recover in the Interventional Radiology holding area where a staff of specialized nurses care for patients. 

IVP (intravenous pyelogram) is an X-ray of the urinary tract, which includes the kidneys, ureters and bladder. X-ray dye is given through an IV to outline the urinary tract. A doctor may order an IVP so the urinary tract can be evaluated for stones or other possible abnormalities.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a revolutionary technology that combines a powerful magnet, radio waves and advanced computers to produce extremely detailed images without side effects. These images allow physicians to see internally into your body, identify normal and abnormal tissues and assist in making diagnoses and or planning treatments. 

Myocardial perfusion imaging (Thallium Stress Test) is a test that uses radioactive substances known as tracers to produce images of the heart muscle. When combined with an exercise or chemical stress test, the myocardial perfusion images help to determine if areas of the heart are not receiving enough blood. The stress portion can be performed in two ways. You can walk on a treadmill while an EKG machine records the electrical activity of your heart. If you are unable to walk on a treadmill, a chemical stress may be used in place of exercise. The most common drugs used for this are Adenosine and Persantine. These are vasodilators that open blood vessels and are able to mimic the effects of exercise on your body.

Nuclear medicine scan uses radiation to help doctors evaluate physiology and function as well as anatomy and to detect disease, inflammation, or infection throughout the body. No other radiology test can more accurately measure the function of the gallbladder or kidneys, or detect certain types of cancer.  A radioactive medicine is given either as an injection, a pill you swallow, or as a gas you inhale. The medicine travels through the body and goes to a specific organ. That organ then gives off gamma rays that are detected by the nuclear medicine camera. The camera output is sent to our computer system, which develops images of the organ. This shows the radiologist the size, shape and function of the organ. 

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a non-invasive procedure that can locate abnormal bio-chemistry in a patient. In cancer, changes in bio-chemistry occur before a tumor mass forms. As a result, PET can often identify the presence of disease earlier than a test that looks for a tumor mass. PET information is usually used together with CT or MRI information. The PET scan can help identify the presence of abnormal bio-chemistry or disease. CT or MRI can be used to precisely identify the location. 

Ultrasound is a procedure using high frequency sound waves to create images of the soft tissue structures (organs) in the body. During the test, a sonographer uses a hand-held probe (also known as a transducer) that sends out sound waves. The sound waves reflect off of soft tissue structures within your body. The transducer receives these reflections and creates a two dimensional image. No radiation is involved. 

Uterine artery embolization is typically used for the treatment of fibroids, and is an alternative to surgery. A uterine artery embolization is a procedure that blocks the blood flow to a uterine fibroid, causing the fibroid to shrink and die. The procedure is minimally invasive, and requires little recovery time.

Vascular ultrasound is a procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the blood vessels in the limbs of the body. During the test, a technologist uses a hand-held probe (also known as a transducer) to send sound waves into the body. The sound waves reflect off of structures within the body and send a signal back through the probe that creates an image or a wave form. Unlike X-rays, ultrasound does not expose the patient to any radiation.

Vertebroplasty is a non-surgical procedure done to relieve the pain associated with spinal fractures caused by osteoporosis. During the procedure, medical grade bone cement is injected into the area of the fracture using X-ray guidance. This stabilizes the fracture and reduces pain and further collapse of the vertebra (spine bone). The procedure is done by an interventional radiologist in a room much like an operating room. A registered nurse will be with you for the entire process. You will receive local anesthetic and some mild sedation to keep you comfortable.

Contact Information

For appointments or additional information about Outpatient Therapy Services, please call 314-996-3500.

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