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Patient Rights and Responsibilities

As a patient you are entitled to certain benefits and protections under law. We affirm and support the following patient rights.

Accessing Care and Services

As a patient, you have the following rights:

  1. To receive notification of your patient rights in writing and information concerning important hospital policies and a list of available supportive resources, such as an ethics committee, patient advocate and pastoral and spiritual services, in advance of furnishing or discontinuing patient care whenever possible.
  2. To request treatment and receive considerate and respectful care from hospital personnel.
  3. To expect medically appropriate health services from the hospital within its capabilities. Although treatment referral or transfer may be medically appropriate, you will be informed of the risks, benefits and alternatives prior to the transfer of your care to other healthcare providers. You will not be transferred from the hospital until another institution accepts to receive you for care.
  4. To voice concerns that you may have regarding the care you receive and to have those concerns reviewed and resolved. We make every effort to deliver the highest quality of compassionate care and meet expectations for service. If you have complaints, we suggest you first discuss them with your nurse, the manager of the area, and/or your doctor. If your complaint remains unresolved, please contact our patient experience line at 314-996-4004 or send an email to MBMCPX@bjc.org
  5. To access an internal (Hospital) or external grievance process for the timely review of concerns or more serious issues that may affect care, and to receive a written notice of any decision made regarding your concern. The telephone number and address of the available state agency that you may contact is listed below.
  6. To expect that your physician and family members or representatives will be notified promptly of your admission to the hospital, unless you request that this not be done.
  7. To access available communications, including mail and telephones, and permitted visitors unless either are clinically contraindicated. Any restrictions, however, will be explained to you.
  8. To examine and receive an explanation of your hospital bill.

In Receiving Treatment

As a patient, you have the following rights:

  1. To be involved in the development and implementation of your plan of care and to receive information from your physician to enable your informed decision and consent prior to the start of any procedure and/or treatment. Except in emergencies, such information for informed consent should include, at a minimum, the specific procedures and/or treatment proposed, the medically significant risks involved, the benefits of the procedure and the medical alternatives, if any, available.
  2. To receive medically necessary and appropriate care.
  3. To obtain understandable information concerning your diagnosis and health status, proposed treatment and prognosis, and the financial implications associated with the available treatment choices.
  4. To know the name of the physician responsible for coordinating your care, as well as as the identities of other healthcare members involved in your care.
  5. To refuse treatment, to the extent permitted by law, including being informed of the medical consequences of refusal of treatment.
  6. To the appropriate assessment and management of your pain.
  7. To be free from restraints or seclusion that are not medically necessary or are imposed as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation by staff, or used in a manner that is not consistent with federal or state regulations.
  8. To consent or decline to take part in research and/or experimental procedures affecting your care.
  9. To have your rights protected during research, investigation and clinical trials involving human subjects.
  10. To be informed by the practitioner responsible for your care of any continuing health care needs following discharge from the hospital.
  11. To know if the hospital has relationships with outside individuals that may influence your treatment and care. These relationships may be with educational institutions, other healthcare providers or insurers.

Personal Privacy and Confidentiality

As a patient, you have the following rights:

  1. To confidentiality and personal privacy concerning your medical care program. Case discussion, consultation, examination and treatment are confidential. Those not directly involved in your care must have your permission to be present during any medical or nursing treatments or discussion of your care.
  2. To receive care in a safe setting, free from abuse or harassment.
  3. To expect that all communications and records pertaining to your care are treated as confidential. Permission in writing is necessary before the hospital will release any healthcare information, except as may otherwise be required by law.
  4. To reasonable access and review of your medical records.
  5. To receive visitors you designate including, but not limited to a spouse, domestic partner, another family member or a friend regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability. You also have the right to withdraw or deny visitation privileges based on your preferences.

Advance Healthcare Directives and End of Life Decisions

As a patient, you have the following rights:

  1. To inform the hospital of any advance directives for healthcare, such as a living will or power of attorney for healthcare, that express your care and treatment wishes should you be unable to express those wishes. If you have a written advance directive, you should provide copies to your physician, the hospital and your family. If you do not have one and wish to receive information concerning advance directives, we can provide you with some information.
  2. To have end-of-life issues related to your care addressed with dignity and sensitivity, and to participate in any discussion concerning any ethical issues arising from your care.
    If you have any ethical issues or concerns regarding your care or if you need assistance with community resources, you are encouraged to contact the hospital Care Coordination department at ext. 65120, the Pastoral Care Department at ext. 65105, or the nurse manager on duty.
  3. Once an agreed upon plan of care is determined, to follow the established treatment plan as the coordinated plan of care and the interventions for pain relief. You are responsible for keeping appointments, and when unable to do so for any reason, to notify your practitioner or the hospital.
  4. To be responsible for your own decisions if you refuse treatment or do not follow the practitioner’s instructions concerning the treatment plan.
  5. To follow the hospital policies and rules affecting your care and conduct while in the hospital.
  6. To be considerate of other patients and hospital staff. The hospital works to provide care efficiently and fairly to all patients.
  7. To facilitate the arrangements for the appropriate payment to the hospital for the care and treatment provided to you, including providing accurate information of insurance or
    other payment information.

Your health depends not just on your hospital care, but in the long term, on the decisions you make in your daily life and the effect of those lifestyle decisions on your personal health.

Resolution of Patient Concerns

It is the policy of Missouri Baptist Medical Center that their patients are informed of their rights and given the opportunity to present their concerns.

Patient Experience can be contacted at 314-996-4004 or by email: MBMCPX@bjc.org

The patient may file a grievance with the State agency directly, regardless of whether he/she has first used the hospital’s grievance process.

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Attn: Hospital Standards 
912 Wildwood
P.O. Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102


To report a complaint about quality of care to The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (TJC), Office of Quality Monitoring and Patient Safety:

Email: patientsafetyreport@jointcommission.org
Fax: 630-792-5636
U.S. mail: One Renaissance Blvd., Oakbrook, IL 60181

You can find more information at:

Contact Information

For appointments or additional information about Outpatient Therapy Services, please call 314-996-3500.

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