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COVID-19 Information

2020 Annual Report

We’re pleased to share our 2020 Annual Report, showcasing the impact we have on those who come to us for care.

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Missouri Baptist Medical Center - Nursing Shared Governance

Missouri Baptist Medical Center (MoBap) values the importance of engaging our nurses in decisions impacting their practice and the patient care environment. Through a variety of unit-based and hospital-wide nursing and interprofessional teams, nurses can partner with one another and the leadership team to help make decisions about their practice environment and professional development. 

Our Shared Governance Councils empower our nurses to discuss topics and make decisions which influence their own practice, as they identify problems and work towards solutions.

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Fast Action Helps Donna Recover From Stroke Quicker

Donna was with her son Brian when he noticed that the left side of her face was drooping, and then she collapsed.

As an emergency room nurse at Missouri Baptist Medical Center, Brian recognized the signs of a stroke and told his mom, "I think you're having a stroke," before beginning an assessment and calling 911.

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Living Life With MS

"I was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis when I was seventeen," Jenni Cusumano said. "As a 35-year-old woman who's lived with MS for over half my life, I don't remember what life was like before my diagnosis."

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Show Me 100 for MS

Matthew Porter was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2014 at the age of 37 and has used his condition as a catalyst for change in his life. As a husband and father of three teenage children, he has a passion for living life to the fullest. “Having MS has made me more aware of my time, and I want to invest it in things that matter and make a difference.”

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Our new search tool will help you choose a doctor or health care provider that is best for you or your family.

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Hip/Knee Pain: 10 Steps to Take Before Considering Surgery

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Palliative Care: Helping Patients Live Their Best Lives

Lynn’s husband Steve was diabetic and diagnosed with end stage renal disease 11 years ago. Without warning, Steve’s condition turned critical three years ago. Desperate for guidance and strength, Lynn was connected to April and the Palliative Care team at Missouri Baptist Medical Center.

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Improving Quality of Life through Hip Surgery

William Decker didn’t let a hip surgery slow him down for long. As an active 73-year-old golfer and grandfather, Decker was relieved to learn he could have hip surgery using the newer anterior approach. Dr. Christopher Mudd at MoBap is one of the limited number of orthopedic surgeons trained to perform this procedure. To learn more, click here.

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The Role of Rehab: Improving the Joint Replacement Patient’s Level of Function

If you’ve suffered from the discomfort and pain associated with bad knees or unstable hips, joint replacement surgery may be an option.

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On the Other Side of Knee Pain

Despite a range of health obstacles, 57-year-old Claire C. of Creve Coeur, Mo refuses to let anything limit of define her. “I’m not going to let anything stop me from doing the things I enjoy – and that includes my knees.”

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Ready to Move Forward: Nina's Story

Remember all the things that you used to do so easily, until your hip or knee started slowing you down? Now imagine doing those things again, with all the confidence in the world.

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Knee Surgery: Knowing What is Next

Why have knee replacement surgery?

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Hip Surgery: Support and Healing

What is hip replacement surgery?

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Joint Replacement Center

Why choose Missouri Baptist?

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