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Breast Cancer Risk Assessment & Genetic Counseling

The Breast Cancer Risk Assessment & Genetic Counseling Program at Missouri Baptist Medical Center provides comprehensive breast cancer screenings and customized surveillance plan for patients with an increased risk of breast cancer. The plan includes personalized care coordination by specialized nurses who will navigate patients to a variety of resources, exams and/or treatment options.

Annual screening mammograms beginning at age 40 continue to be the best tool for early detection of breast cancer in women of average risk; however, identifying women at increased risk can assist patients and their physicians in deciding if additional imaging surveillance or other measures should be considered.

At each annual screening mammogram visit, personal risk factors and family history are reviewed. Women with specific risk factors, or a combination of risk factors, are offered a more in-depth assessment.

Patient Benefits for the Risk Assessment & Genetic Counseling Program

  • Provides a sense of control over your own health
  • Early detection of breast cancer provides the best outcomes
  • Improved patient experience through individualized care
  • Improved access to resources and services

Advanced Breast Cancer Screening Options

  • Breast MRI
  • Genetic Counseling/Testing

Referrals and Risk Factors

All screening mammography patients who obtain imaging in the Breast HealthCare Center will automatically be assessed for the Breast Cancer Risk Evaluation Program. The following risk factors can increase your chances of developing breast cancer:

  • One or more first or second degree relatives diagnosed with breast cancer under age 50
  • A personal history of ovarian cancer, or ovarian cancer in any family member at any age
  • Any male breast cancer in the family
  • Breast and/or ovarian cancer at any age in family with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry
  • Two or more first, second or third degree relatives from the same side of the family with breast/ovarian cancer at any age

Breast density is not the only indication for enrollment in this program. A combination of factors are used to assess each patient's comphrensive cancer risk. 

For more information on our cancer risk and genetic counseling programs, contact the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment team at 314-996-7409 or the Genetic Counseling Program at 314-996-7594.

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