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Treatment for Parkinson's Disease

Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT®) is an innovative and effective treatment program for the speech communication (LSVT LOUD®) and physical/occupational therapy (LSVT BIG®) needs of individuals with Parkinson's disease as well as aging and other conditions including stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and Down syndrome.

Our therapists have extensive training and experience assisting clients in achieving improved speech communication. This program focuses on increasing vocal volume through exercising the vocal cords. These techniques often have a carryover effect of improved swallowing. While this program is highly structured and follows a specific format, the therapist tailors the content of each session to the individual’s personal interests and goals.


LSVT LOUD is a highly specialized and clinically proven method for treating voice and speech disorders in individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease not only affects a person’s ability to project their voice but it also alters their perception of Loudness. They often feel that they are speaking at a normal level while others struggle to hear them during normal conversation.

Our therapists have extensive training and experience assisting clients in achieving improved speech communication. This program focuses on increasing vocal volume through exercising the vocal cords. These techniques often have a carryover effect of improved swallowing. While this program is highly structured and follows a specific format, the therapist tailors the content of each session to the individual’s personal interests and goals.


Derived from LSVT LOUD, the LSVT BIG program focuses on increased movement amplitude. This highly specialized and structured program assists individuals with Parkinson’s disease in retraining what they perceive to be “BIG” movements. Individuals with Parkinson’s often struggle with faulty processing of movement feedback. Smaller, slower movements begin to feel normal. The LSVT BIG program incorporates large, exaggerated arm and leg movements which feel “TOO BIG.” These BIG movements help the body relearn and accept movements that are actually within normal limits resulting in improved independence, safety, and participation in everyday activities.

Patient Story

Working with Speech therapy through the LSVT LOUD program has really helped my mood!

I felt like I couldn’t talk. This therapy has helped to bring out my words. My therapist is a delight to work with. She’s full of energy and she makes me feel comfortable. I’m still working on getting louder and learning how to get my words out but so far the experience has been wonderful. Before therapy I was swallowing my words. Everyone was always telling me to speak up! It takes a lot of training but it’s getting better everyday!

—Margaret B.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please call 314-996-3500.

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Palliative Care: Helping Patients Live Their Best Lives

Lynn’s husband Steve was diabetic and diagnosed with end stage renal disease 11 years ago. Without warning, Steve’s condition turned critical three years ago. Desperate for guidance and strength, Lynn was connected to April and the Palliative Care team at Missouri Baptist Medical Center.

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Improving Quality of Life through Hip Surgery

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On the Other Side of Knee Pain

Despite a range of health obstacles, 57-year-old Claire C. of Creve Coeur, Mo refuses to let anything limit of define her. “I’m not going to let anything stop me from doing the things I enjoy – and that includes my knees.”

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Ready to Move Forward: Nina's Story

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Knee Surgery: Knowing What is Next

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Hip Surgery: Support and Healing

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Joint Replacement Center

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