We continue to monitor COVID-19, flu and other respiratory viruses in our communities. Read the most current information about prevention, testing and where to go if you're sick.

COVID-19 Information

Welcoming Twins During COVID-19

In December 2019, Molly Hurley and her husband, Ryan, found out they were expecting twin boys. As first-time parents, they looked forward to baby showers, attending Missouri Baptist Medical Center’s classes on childbirth and preparing for multiples, and celebrating their new arrivals with family and friends. But COVID-19 changed their plans.

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99-year-old patient fights off virus with the force of positivity

Along with a dedicated team of caregivers at Missouri Baptist Medical Center and a countrywide prayer chain, one patient kept a relentless positivity in the face of a frightening disease. Moreover, he had his family’s staunch support.

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Recovery is a Journey

Scott Winder had been having trouble breathing and wasn’t sleeping well. Like many people do, he dismissed the symptoms until one day at work, his suddenly racing heart, sweating and worsening breathing problems sent him to the  Emergency Department at Parkland Health Center in Farmington.

Scott walked through the doors of the emergency room and collapsed.

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Recipes for Your Health

Tasted, tested and analyzed by dietitians at Missouri Baptist Medical Center

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Know the Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

Knowing the warning signs of a heart attack can make a big difference. The faster someone having a heart attack can get care, the better the outcomes.

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New Technology for Treating Cardiac Arrhythmias
Andrew Williams

New Technology for Treating Cardiac Arrhythmias

Missouri Baptist Medical Center is the first hospital in the Midwest to offer a new advanced robotic technology for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. MoBap has begun treating patients with this advanced technology, and plans are underway for the same technology to be installed at Barnes-Jewish Hospital early next year.

Millions of individuals worldwide suffer from arrhythmias — abnormal heart rhythms including the heart beating too quickly, too slowly or with an irregular pattern. Left untreated, certain arrhythmias can significantly increase the risk of stroke, heart failure and sudden cardiac arrest.

The new technology at MoBap — robotic magnetic navigation (RMN) — introduces the benefits of robotic precision and safety to cardiac ablation, a common, minimally invasive procedure used to treat arrhythmias.

The RMN device consists of two robotically controlled magnets, a flexible catheter with a magnetic tip and an operating console. The system creates magnetic fields that can be manipulated to steer catheters with an unprecedented degree of precision and control. The catheter is controlled from its flexible tip.

RMN allows physicians to safely and effectively treat patients with complex arrhythmias, reaching areas of the heart that cannot be treated using traditional, manual techniques.

Robotic cardiac ablation is well-documented as a beneficial alternative to manual cardiac ablation. Publications have noted that the robotic procedure, on average, results in fewer adverse events and better procedure success for patients when compared with manual cardiac ablation.

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