We continue to monitor COVID-19, flu and other respiratory viruses in our communities. Read the most current information about prevention, testing and where to go if you're sick.

COVID-19 Information

Dr. Stewart Gets a “Second Chance at Life” After Heart Attack

Todd Stewart, MD, is no stranger to critically ill patients and life-saving procedures. As a spinal neurosurgeon and chief of neurosurgery at Missouri Baptist Medical Center, it’s all in a day’s work. But it came as a shock when he suffered a life-threatening heart attack last year.

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Sarah & Andrew Navigate the NICU After Birth of Twin Boys

Sarah and Andrew Sapperstein were looking forward to being parents and were overjoyed and shocked to discover that they were having twins. As the months passed, Sarah's pregnancy was going smoothly, and they planned to welcome their babies by cesarean section (C-section) at 38 weeks.

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Kristina Finds Advice & Encouragement at MoBap’s Support Groups

At the top of Kristina Skinner’s to-do list when she was pregnant with her first baby was to learn about breastfeeding. In preparation for her new arrival, Kristina attended Missouri Baptist Medical Center’s breastfeeding class, where she learned the basics of breastfeeding and received information about pumping.Then as her due date approached, Kristina and her husband, Nathan, finished the nursery and eagerly awaited the arrival of their first child. “I felt prepared for delivery, breastfeeding and becoming a mom.”

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MoBap Offers a New FDA-Approved Treatment for People With Advanced Prostate Cancer

 On March 23, 2022, prostate cancer treatment for those with advanced disease took a step forward with the FDA approving the first targeted therapy for the treatment of progressive, PSMA-positive prostate cancer that has spread or metastasized to other parts of the body. Missouri Baptist Medical Center is one of three sites in Missouri that is currently offering this treatment.

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Dr. Stein Uses Molecular Testing to Inform His Patients' Cancer Treatment

In 2021, Russell (Russ) Horne and William Sibert were diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). They both benefited from molecular profiling of their cancer, known as precision oncology, which identified different and effective treatment approaches.

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Patient and Visitor Information

Your safety is our priority

Being with your loved ones while they are in the hospital is important to their healing and overall wellbeing, and we are happy to welcome you to Missouri Baptist Medical Center.

The following safety guidelines remain in place in our hospital setting. Please continue to adhere to this guidance out of respect for everyone’s health and safety.

Campus Updates

As our campus continues to grow, click here to learn how these changes may impact your visit.

Visitor Safety Guidelines

For the safety of our patients, we ask that you please do not visit the hospital if you are having cough, congestion, runny nose, fever or gastrointestinal symptoms. Our patients thank you! Masks will continue to be readily available for those who prefer to continue wearing a mask, and patients who would prefer their providers wear a mask may request that. Masking in health care facilities helps protect patients, visitors, employees and the community during respiratory viral illness surges. For more information on our policies, visit Visitor Policy – BJC HealthCare.

BJC HealthCare is committed to providing extraordinary care to our patients and families while we maintain a safe, healing, and respectful environment for everyone at our facilities, including our staff. Our Patient and Visitor Code of Conduct sets clear expectations for all to help us meet this goal.

Patient Visiting Hours

Daily from 7 a.m. – 9 p.m.


Parking is available throughout the campus.

COVID-19 Positive Patients Visitor Policy

  • Limited to 2 visitors per day, visitors may change from day to day.
  • In addition to masks, COVID-19 patient visitors must wear additional personal protective equipment (PPE) – including gowns, gloves, and eye protection while in the patient’s room. This PPE and instruction on its use will be provided by the care team when the visitor checks in at the nurse’s station before proceeding to the patient’s room.
  • Children under the age of 18 may visit COVID-19 patients, as one of the two allowed visitors, if they are accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  • Visitors must leave the room during nasopharyngeal (NP) specimen collection or aerosol-generating procedures, or heated high-flow nasal oxygen (HHFNO) treatment
  • Visitors must notify the care team upon arrival to and departure from the unit.


  • Each patient is allowed up to 2 visitors at a time in the room. Children under 5 are discouraged from visiting. All visitors under 12 must be supervised by an adult (aged 18+) at all times. *Compassionate exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.


  • Each patient is allowed up to 2 visitors at a time in the room. 1 family member is allowed between the hours of 9 p.m. and 7 a.m.; however, sleeping at the bedside is not permitted. Children under 5 are discouraged from visiting. All visitors under 12 must be supervised by an adult (aged 18+) at all times. *Compassionate exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.

Labor & Delivery, Post-Partum, Women & Infants

  • Visitors (including siblings) are permitted in the labor and delivery room during labor, recovery, and post-partum. Non-sibling children under the age of 12 are not permitted at this time. Children visitors must be supervised at all times by an adult (aged 18+) who is not the patient.
  • Those with permission to hold or touch the baby, should wash their hands first.
  • If the patient is delivering after hours, visitors may stay in the Labor and Delivery waiting area during the birth. Once the new mother is ready to be moved to post-partum, 1 designated visitor (the significant other or baby’s grandparent) is able stay overnight in the room. All other visitors should return the following day during regular visiting hours.
  • Please refrain from inviting a large number of visitors to the labor and delivery waiting room. Due to COVID-19 physical distancing restrictions, the space allows for a limited number of chairs and people.


  • Please use the hand sanitizer when entering the NICU.
  • All visitors must be approved by a parent and should be added to the patient’s visitor list in advance of the first visit. Non-sibling children under the age of 12 are not permitted. Siblings may visit when accompanied by a parent.
  • Parents are welcome to visit at any time but encouraged to limit visitation during the hours of 6:30 – 7:30 a.m. and 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. to protect all patients’ privacy.
  • For your baby's safety, anyone who has been exposed to a contagious illness, received a live vaccine, such as nasal flu mist, or has cold and flu like symptoms will not be able to visit for one week.
  • Parents and or other visitors should discuss any current or recent contagious illness with the healthcare team.
  • To ensure privacy and confidentiality, we cannot allow visitors to browse the NICU or visit any other baby. No information can be given regarding other patients. This includes gestational age, weight, or condition of the infant.
  • There may be times throughout the year (i.e. flu season) when visiting may be limited.
  • There may be times when a visitor may be asked to step out of the unit for a few minutes to protect another baby's privacy.
  • Holding infants (for visitors) is based on medical condition and parent’s discretion.

Pediatric Inpatients

  • One adult overnight caregiver may sleep at the bedside.
  • For your child's safety, anyone who has been exposed to a contagious illness, received a live vaccine, such as nasal flu mist, or has cold and flu like symptoms will not be able to visit for one week. Parents and or other visitors should discuss any current or recent contagious illness with the healthcare team.
  • Non-sibling children under the age of 12 are not allowed. In situations where the children may be deemed beneficial to the patient’s well-being. Any child that is allowed to visit (sibling or non-sibling) must be accompanied by a responsible adult over the age of 18 who maintains constant supervision of the child. Children who visit may not be left alone with the patient.

Virtual Visits

Visiting virtually through phone calls, FaceTime, or other virtual methods are an option for those who chose not to visit in person. If you are interested in a virtual visit, but unable to coordinate on your own, our care team can help facilitate through the BJC Virtual Visitor Program.

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