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This Thanksgiving Eat More! (Non-starchy veggies, that is!)

Fall holidays are known for their festive meals and celebrations. So how do you enjoy the foods of the season and still keep your blood sugar in check?

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Palliative Care: Helping Patients Live Their Best Lives

Lynn’s husband Steve was diabetic and diagnosed with end stage renal disease 11 years ago. Without warning, Steve’s condition turned critical three years ago. Desperate for guidance and strength, Lynn was connected to April and the Palliative Care team at Missouri Baptist Medical Center.

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Losing More Than Sleep

Everybody suffers occasionally from not getting enough sleep. But a lack of sleep can do more than just make you feel tired the next day. Chronic sleep problems can be a contributing factor to more serious health problems.

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Are You Ready for Flu Season?

While seasonal influenza (flu) viruses are detected year-round in the United States, flu viruses are most common during the fall and winter. The exact timing and duration of flu seasons can vary, but influenza activity often begins to increase in October. Most of the time flu activity peaks between December and February, although activity can last as late as May.

With flu season approaching, make sure you understand what the flu is and how to avoid it.

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Safety in Motion

Terri Elmore, a Physical Therapy Assistant at Missouri Baptist Medical Center, is on a mission to make the workplace safer for nurses and patient care technicians.

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On the Other Side of Knee Pain

Despite a range of health obstacles, 57-year-old Claire C. of Creve Coeur, Mo refuses to let anything limit of define her. “I’m not going to let anything stop me from doing the things I enjoy – and that includes my knees.”

Claire, a master gardener, volunteers with her gardening friends. They tend to the flowerbeds in some of St. Louis’ most beautiful gardens: Longview Farm House in Town and County, the historic Jewel Box in the City of St. Louis and Tappmeyer House in Creve Coeur.

Four years ago, Claire felt a burning sensation in her right knee at the end of the day. “I’d walk up a hill while gardening and my knee joints didn’t feel totally tight,” she recalled. “On level ground, I felt as if I was going to fall. I wasn’t sure-footed anymore. It was an unstable feeling – like walking on sand.”

Her symptoms continued to develop. “On a trip to Rome and Venice, Italy with my husband, I suddenly went down on a garden path,” Claire sadly recalled. “It was a bad fall – my pants ripped and my leg was bleeding. For seven days, we walked everywhere on cobblestone streets because there were no sidewalks. I was in pain and feared falling again. I felt as if I left pieces of my right knee all over Italy.”

"When I came home, that was it! I knew I needed to see an orthopedist, so I made an appointment with Dr. Richard Johnston. The X-rays showed that I had no remaining cartilage in my right knee." Dr. Johnston recommended knee surgery and answered Claire's questions about the procedure. "He made me feel as if I was the only patient in his office.”

Total and Partial Knee Replacement

“The knee consists of three sections – the medial, lateral and patellofemoral,” explained Dr. Johnston. “In total knee replacement surgery, damaged bone is resurfaced and worn parts are replaced. Most patients will need a complete knee replacement where damaged bone and joint surfaces are replaced with metal and polyethylene components."

"Some patients with isolated severe arthritis may be a candidate for a partial knee replacement, which targets only those sections that are affected, rather than replacing all three sections. This procedure is less invasive, with less blood loss and usually a faster recovery.”


Around Valentine’s Day in 2007, Claire underwent a full knee replacement on her right knee. “A visiting nurse assisted me for two weeks and a physical therapist helped me use a continuous passive motion machine to reduce pain and swelling, increase range of motion and assist with exercise. I gradually regained knee strength with weight training, stretch resistance bands and exercise on a stationary bicycle.”

“Physical therapy and continued exercise are important after surgery to improve the range of motion in the knee to a full extension,” Dr. Johnston explained. “Some of the greatest benefits patients may see are walking unassisted, rising from a seated position, squatting and sitting in a cross-legged position.”

After her recovery, Claire couldn’t wait to get back to gardening with her friends. But her joy was short-lived. “In December, my left knee was killing me. I was nervous going down stairs – I already fell once and skinned my knee. I was so tired of feeling unstable when I walked. That was scary to me. I went back to see Dr. Johnston.”

Once again, the X-ray revealed there was no cartilage in her left knee. So with no qualms, a full knee replacement was scheduled on her left knee in January 2008.

“After a successful surgery, and because I did everything I was supposed to do during my recovery, by spring I was able to return to my absolute passion – gardening with my friends. I’ve enjoyed sharing gardening tips with Dr. Johnston as well.”

“For 10 years, I’ve loved providing the community with something beautiful. And, now, with my brand new knees, I can continue this work without fear of falling.”



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