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Fast Action Helps Donna Recover From Stroke Quicker

Donna was with her son Brian when he noticed that the left side of her face was drooping, and then she collapsed.

As an emergency room nurse at Missouri Baptist Medical Center, Brian recognized the signs of a stroke and told his mom, "I think you're having a stroke," before beginning an assessment and calling 911.

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Living Life With MS

"I was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis when I was seventeen," Jenni Cusumano said. "As a 35-year-old woman who's lived with MS for over half my life, I don't remember what life was like before my diagnosis."

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Show Me 100 for MS

Matthew Porter was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2014 at the age of 37 and has used his condition as a catalyst for change in his life. As a husband and father of three teenage children, he has a passion for living life to the fullest. “Having MS has made me more aware of my time, and I want to invest it in things that matter and make a difference.”

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Heart Valve Surgery Gives New Lease on Life

Looking forward to resuming their active lifestyle in 2022, Connie and Arlin have two trips planned early in the year. Connie said that her heart surgery has given her a new lease on life. "Every time I'm at Missouri Baptist, I feel cared for, listened to and taken seriously. I always tell people that if you have heart problems, go to MoBap."

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New Technology for Treating Cardiac Arrhythmias

The new technology at MoBap — robotic magnetic navigation (RMN) — introduces the benefits of robotic precision and safety to cardiac ablation, a common, minimally invasive procedure used to treat arrhythmias

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Welcoming Twins During COVID-19

Molly’s Story


In December 2019, Molly Hurley and her husband, Ryan, found out they were expecting twin boys. As first-time parents, they looked forward to baby showers, attending Missouri Baptist Medical Center’s classes on childbirth and preparing for multiples, and celebrating their new arrivals with family and friends.

However, in March 2020, when Missouri started shutting down to reduce the spread of COVID-19, Molly experienced ups and downs. “Part of pregnancy is preparation, and with the changing restrictions, I was worried about our health and safety and what would happen when it came time to deliver.”

BJC Medical Group physicians, Denise Meckler, MD, and Amanda Trudell, DO, were part of Molly’s care team. “Both Dr. Meckler and Dr. Trudell put my mind at ease,” Molly recalled. “They assured me that Ryan could be present at delivery, and MoBap had safety precautions in place to protect patients and visitors. Even though in-person classes were canceled, we watched videos and read blogs to help us prepare.”

On July 15, when she was 34 weeks pregnant, Molly delivered healthy twin boys. “Not being able to have visitors was hard, but the nurses helped us take pictures and videos to capture the special moments, and we introduced Hudson and Rawlings to everyone on FaceTime after they were born.”

Because they were born premature, the twins spent 19 days in MoBap’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), and Molly visited every day after she was discharged home. “Throughout my stay at MoBap and during the twins’ stay in the NICU, I felt protected and safe,” Molly said. “Everyone wore masks, they did temperature checks and asked health questions, the rooms were quiet and clean and the health care teams were caring and accommodating.”

Molly and Ryan brought their newborns home on August 3 and continue taking precautions to protect their health like limiting visitors, wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing. “I am thankful for everyone at MoBap. The care and support we received helped make our deliveries a joyous event.”

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