We continue to monitor COVID-19, flu and other respiratory viruses in our communities. Read the most current information about prevention, testing and where to go if you're sick.

COVID-19 Information

Kristina Finds Advice & Encouragement at MoBap’s Support Groups

At the top of Kristina Skinner’s to-do list when she was pregnant with her first baby was to learn about breastfeeding. In preparation for her new arrival, Kristina attended Missouri Baptist Medical Center’s breastfeeding class, where she learned the basics of breastfeeding and received information about pumping.Then as her due date approached, Kristina and her husband, Nathan, finished the nursery and eagerly awaited the arrival of their first child. “I felt prepared for delivery, breastfeeding and becoming a mom.”

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Katie Celebrates Remission After Treatment for Endometrial Cancer

Katie was at a crossroads about where to receive additional cancer treatment to help prevent her cancer from returning. “I chose Missouri Baptist because they have a great reputation for cutting-edge cancer therapies and care.”

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MoBap Offers a New FDA-Approved Treatment for People With Advanced Prostate Cancer

 On March 23, 2022, prostate cancer treatment for those with advanced disease took a step forward with the FDA approving the first targeted therapy for the treatment of progressive, PSMA-positive prostate cancer that has spread or metastasized to other parts of the body. Missouri Baptist Medical Center is one of three sites in Missouri that is currently offering this treatment.

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Dr. Stein Uses Molecular Testing to Inform His Patients' Cancer Treatment

In 2021, Russell (Russ) Horne and William Sibert were diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). They both benefited from molecular profiling of their cancer, known as precision oncology, which identified different and effective treatment approaches.

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Suzanne, a breast cancer survivor, thanks her care team at MoBap

Suzanne Braun credits her care team at Missouri Baptist Medical Center and her own diligence with saving her life. Braun, who went through ovarian cancer in her early 20s, said that health crisis impressed upon her the importance of regular doctor visits and an annual mammogram.

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Preventive Care

Prioritizing Health During COVID-19

As we age, our health and wellness needs change. During the COVID-19 pandemic, preventive health care visits declined as many people avoided visiting their physicians when much was unknown about the virus transmission.

Dr. Junaid Munshi, a family medicine physician with BJC Medical Group, talks about the importance of prioritizing health by scheduling annual doctor visits and preventive screenings. "Minor health problems can progress into more serious health conditions if left unchecked. Because patients with chronic or worsening conditions are at elevated risk for COVID-19 infection, preventive care plays an important role."

Depending on age and risk factors, preventive health screenings include: mammograms, colorectal cancer screening, checking cholesterol levels, blood pressure screening, testing blood glucose levels for diabetes and screening for excessive stress.

Dr. Munshi acknowledges that some patients have been nervous about coming to the clinic and describes the steps his practice has taken to make patients comfortable making appointments for preventive care visits.

"Everyone wears a mask, and our staff wears eye protection and follows strict cleaning protocols."

Dr. Munshi also describes how he offers telehealth visits over the phone or computer for those who prefer not to come to the clinic. "There are many preventive services we can provide by telehealth."

By taking a proactive approach to health care, Dr. Munshi says that patients can build a relationship with their doctor and become their own best advocates. "My patients are involved with all aspects of their care, and we work together as a team."

Book an appointment with Dr. Munshi or any of the other BJC Medical Group primary care doctors by calling 844-747-6900 or visiting bjcmedicalgroup.org.

What Can You Do While You Wait

This is an exciting time – as the COVID-19 vaccine offers hope to help us overcome this pandemic and continue the process of healing our community. Even after you receive a vaccination, you should continue to protect yourself and others by:

  • Wearing a mask
  • Maintaining a physical distance of at least 6 feet
  • Frequently washing your hands or using hand sanitizer
  • Regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces
  • Avoiding large gatherings
  • Keeping up with regular health care appointments


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