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“You only get one life”

Michelle Mondello was breastfeeding her youngest child of three when she noticed a lump in her breast. Michelle was only 35 years old and had no family history of breast cancer. Because of her age and background, she wasn’t a candidate for regular mammograms. But after a biopsy at the Breast HealthCare Center at Missouri Baptist Medical Center, Michelle was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), an aggressive form of cancer that accounts for 10 to 15 percent of all breast cancers.

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Get the care you need, when you need it

Knowing where to get medical care is important, especially for sudden injuries or illnesses. For health concerns, Peter Fletcher, MD, Washington University emergency medicine physician and interim medical director of emergency medicine at MoBap, advises contacting your primary care provider first unless it’s an emergency.

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Stroke Support Group

Whether you are a stroke survivor or taking care of a loved one, we invite you to join our support group community. Stroke Coordinators from Missouri Baptist Medical Center will encourage the sharing of personal experiences and connect with others as part of the recovery.

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Cathy and Paul Benefit from Early Screening

As former smokers, Cathy and Paul both experienced the benefits of Missouri Baptist Medical Center’s (MoBap) early lung cancer screening program. 

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Mark Finds A New Path to Healing

After years of living with diabetes, Mark had developed a grade 3 non-healing wound on the bottom of his foot that kept him from standing or walking without pain. The diligent support of the Wound Healing Center team coupled with the hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Mark would find a new path to healing.

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Missouri Baptist Medical Center - Nursing Shared Governance

Our Nursing Shared Governance Structure: Empowering Professional RNs through Shared Governance

Missouri Baptist Medical Center (MoBap) values the importance of engaging our nurses in decisions impacting their practice and the patient care environment. Through a variety of unit-based and hospital-wide nursing and interprofessional teams, nurses can partner with one another and the leadership team to help make decisions about their practice environment and professional development. 

Our Shared Governance Councils empower our nurses to discuss topics and make decisions influencing their practice as they identify problems and work towards solutions. The premise of our structure is to allow a platform for our nurses to have a strong voice in the decisions that impact their practice, promoting autonomy as professional nurses. In addition to professional empowerment, NSG supports:

  • Advanced professional practice and autonomy
  • Improved nurse satisfaction
  • Promoting a healthy work environment
  • Achieving high-quality patient and family-centered care that is culturally relevant

Nursing Shared Governance (NSG) is the shared governance structure for nursing at Missouri Baptist Medical Center. NSG includes the Nurse Executive Council (NEC), the bi-directional “toll-gate” for discussing nursing process opportunities. Issues brought to NEC come from various teams such as nursing leadership and frontline staff. Cascading from NEC includes:

  • Nursing Practice and Informatics Council
  • Professional Development Council
  • Nurse Quality and Safety Council
  • Advanced Research and EBP Council
  • Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) Council
  • Unit Nursing Shared Governance Councils

The NSG Structure at Missouri Baptist provides a way to ensure all MoBap nurses have a voice.

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