We continue to monitor COVID-19, flu and other respiratory viruses in our communities. Read the most current information about prevention, testing and where to go if you're sick.

COVID-19 Information

Emergency Department

MoBap Emergency Room in St. Louis

Every second counts during a medical emergency. At the Missouri Baptist Medical Center Emergency Department, we deliver excellent care in efficient fashion. From our kid-friendly pediatric emergency unit to our nationally recognized geriatric care, you and your loved ones will find the support you need in a convenient location that values you and your time.

Specialized services

Child-focused, family centered children’s Emergency Department

Our pediatric emergency unit is staffed 24/7 by Washington University pediatricians and specialty trained pediatric nurses from St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Learn more about the special care in our Children’s ER.

Leading-edge, nationally recognized geriatric care

Our Emergency Department earned a bronze Level 3 accreditation for geriatric care from the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). It was among the first of five Missouri hospitals to earn this accreditation, which recognizes Emergency Departments that provide exceptional care for older adults. From innovations that prevent falls to the availability of follow-up home health visits after discharge, our Emergency Department continues to enhance the care we provide our communities. Learn more about this accreditation.

Atrial fibrillation program

Our atrial fibrillation (a-fib) program quickly connects patients experiencing a-fib, a condition where the heart beats irregularly, to a team of BJC Medical Group heart specialists who will oversee their care. The team also provides additional support to help reduce long-term complications related to a-fib.

When to go to the Emergency Department

These medical conditions or symptoms require an immediate trip to the Emergency Department:

  • Chest pain or discomfort, nausea, and shortness of breath; these are signs of possible heart attack
  • Numbness in the face, arm, or leg; sudden confusion; dizziness; blurred vision—these are signs of possible stroke
  • Broken bones
  • Dehydration associated with persistent vomiting or diarrhea
  • High fever that can't be controlled by aspirin or ibuprofen
  • Major burns
  • Severe cuts with uncontrolled bleeding
  • Severe allergic reactions to foods or insects

Call 911 if someone is experiencing a life-threatening condition like a heart attack, stroke, or appears unresponsive.

Know before you go

We understand the stress that can accompany waiting in an Emergency Department. You deserve extraordinary care, and we want to treat you and your loved ones as quickly as possible. Please note that longer wait times can occur when we are experiencing high patient volumes in the Emergency Department.

Patients in our Emergency Department are in different stages of their care. You may be taken to certain areas of the Emergency Department depending on your condition and treatment plan. You may be asked to sit in a waiting room between receiving test results or additional treatments.

Please bring a photo ID and recent insurance card to expedite registration. Thank you for your patience. Our team will keep you updated after you arrive. At any time, if you experience worsening symptoms, questions, or concerns, please notify us.

Other BJC care options to meet your needs

Virtual Care: Connect with a doctor or nurse directly on your phone, tablet, or computer by scheduling a virtual care appointment. Click here to learn more.

Convenient Care: BJC’s Convenient Care offers same-day expert care for minor illnesses. Find a Convenient Care location near you.

Find a Doctor or Make an Appointment

Our search tool will help you choose a doctor or health care provider that is best for you or your family.

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Get the care you need, when you need it

Knowing where to get medical care is important, especially for sudden injuries or illnesses. For health concerns, Peter Fletcher, MD, Washington University emergency medicine physician and interim medical director of emergency medicine at MoBap, advises contacting your primary care provider first unless it’s an emergency.

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Are You Ready for Flu Season?

While seasonal influenza (flu) viruses are detected year-round in the United States, flu viruses are most common during the fall and winter. The exact timing and duration of flu seasons can vary, but influenza activity often begins to increase in October. Most of the time flu activity peaks between December and February, although activity can last as late as May.

With flu season approaching, make sure you understand what the flu is and how to avoid it.

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Nurse caring for senior patient in GEDA accredited ER at Missouri Baptist Medical Center

MoBap achieves ACEP Geriatric Accreditation; first in region

MoBap is first emergency department in the region to achieve ACEP’s Geriatric Accreditation.

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Dr. Higano continues to follow up care with Ira.

An Alliance to Save Lives by Saving Time

On Dec. 5, 2017, 57-year-old Ira Schalk began to feel nauseous on his job at a lead mining operation near Viburnum, Mo. For days he had felt tired, but thought it might be the flu. It wasn’t.

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Top reasons for taking your little one to the Emergency Room

The clock says 4 a.m. Your five-year-old is crying and has kept you up most of the night. You’re worried.

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Grand Canyon Visit Turns into Lifesaving Moment for MoBap Nurse

Missouri Baptist Medical Center emergency department nurse Laurel Miller, BSN, never expected to use her medical skills on vacation. But that’s exactly what she did while making an RV trip with her husband and four kids.

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An ER Doc's Guide to Safe Travel

What does an ER physician pack before heading on a beach vacation?

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Emergency Stroke Care

At Missouri Baptist Medical Center we know that speed is critical in treating stroke patients to prevent brain damage and increase opportunities for recovery. That is why the Missouri Baptist's program is centered around efficiency.

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I'll Call It the Miracle Program

"I think I’m having a heart attack," were the words that woke University City resident, Rebecca Glenn Ruth. They're words that no wife ever wants to hear from her husband, especially not in an isolated cabin during a fishing trip miles from help.

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Children's ER: Child-Focused, Family-Centered

The pediatric emergency unit at Missouri Baptist Medical Center is staffed 24-7 by specialty-trained pediatric nurses and St. Louis Children's Hospital (Washington University) pediatricians dedicated to the health needs and comfort of children and their families.

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Heart LifeLine Alliance

As a leader in heart care, Missouri Baptist Medical Center’s cardiac specialists partner with rural hospitals and medical helicopter and ambulance services to offer the region’s leading heart attack network, saving heart muscle and lives.

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